
Argentine Tango

Argentine tango is an improvisational dance based on the four building blocks of walking, turning, stopping and embellishments. The dance is like a puzzle that gets put together differently each time. Women and men bring their own styles and embellishments to the dance, which contributes significantly to the excitement and unpredictability of the experience. Even though dancers follow certain conventions, they never quite know how someone will construct a dance, add an embellishment or interpret the music. The surprises possible within the dance are what make the dance so addicting. It really does take two to tango, because the dance isn't just about the man leading and the woman following. Both partners have important things to contribute—like all good conversations.

Although it originated in Latin countries, Tango is not considered a “Latin” dance as it does not feature Cuban motion. It is considered a “Smooth” or Ballroom dance, as dancers hold themselves erect and swing their legs from the hip, as with Foxtrot or the Waltz.

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